Healing modalities
Below I have described more in depth the modalities used, Please read for a deeper understanding of this work.

Energy Healing/Reiki: This is a beautiful modality that is active in every moment of your experience and every moment in our life. Often we can get away from the ultimate truths, such as everything is made of cells and in every cell is this life force energy. It's something that both science and spirituality have come together to agree upon. Each breath you take you experience energy. You are releasing the energy that is no longer able to give you any nutrients in exchange for a fresh breath filled with life-giving properties. We are energy and because we are energy we can channel it and work with it to better serve ourselves and each other. With this modality I will be a conduit for your healing & will allow the medicine of this life force energy to bring you that which is necessary for your soul.
Astrology: Using your birth date, time and place we can empower your session with guidance from the stars where I will spend about 25 min asking you question to discover where your chart is active. Seeing where your chart is active will give me insight as to what area of your life is light up right now, where you are going to need to put your focus, awareness and attention as well as what lesions you are learning at this time. Ayurveda means the science of life and this study breaks down the matter of this world into the elements fire, water, earth, air. Astrology gives me insight into what your elemental makeup is and can help in choosing an integrating practice that you will want to do. I will share empowering wisdom from these ancient bodies that will guide you to that which you seek to shed light on.
Breath work: Breath is life, This is what we are referring to when we say life force energy, the breath. This practice is also called Pranayama meaning practice of regulating breath. By regulating our breath we can regulate our Nervous system. When the Nervous system is calm we can allow our self to receive healing, calm, enjoyment ect. In your session I will always guide you in a few opening breaths together with me to harmonize our energy and drop into connection. The breath will tell me where you are at and help guide me in bringing you to deeper levels of relaxation. Common breathwork style I introduce are named Breath awareness, Breath expansion, Belly breathing, 3 part yogic breath and Breath retention. I use these breaths to guide your full presence, your full power and your full awareness into the present moment. Its fun and you get to play here and see how it feels to breath in your body and then indulge in these rich rewarding breaths that open your whole inner chamber up, your body naturally grows into a deeper rhythm allowing your body to naturally purify, calm and regulate the body systems from here you will notice an opening of space and stillness in your body where we can then go on a journey inward!
Aromatherapy: Incorporating essential oils into your session has many valuable benefits at any point in your journey but I will specifically reach for this medicine when I am working with energy that is anxious, nervous, unsettled, not feeling comfortable or safe in their body. Paired with breath work & sound and vibrational medicine this becomes a non invasive way to bring the body into balance. I use Doterra Essential oils to work with your biology, choosing specific plant, root, flower, stem, bark, seed essence that contains components that will naturally interact with your autonomy in a way that will easily guide you into a space where you will be most receptive to receive. Other ways I will use plant medicine is for relief of discomfort, regulation of hormones, relaxation, to stimulate different emotional responses, to enhance meditation.
Meditation: Meditation is a technique used to bring your consciousness into your body. In your experience I will use techniques that calms the nervous system, allow you to remove, integrate or transmute energy & will follow the guidance I am receiving honoring where you are at in your journey and meeting you there with integration practice to use in the following days. Before you come for your session I will open the space with candles, aromas, smudge, and comforts such as water, pillows, soft lighting and gently fabrics. I anchor into your energy as the elements of the space come together and I open a pure channel of connection, where I can be receptive to that which is needed for your highest purpose. As you lay comfortably in this sacred space you will hear me walking around you using a bell that sounds like the enchanted tones that echo from the oldest temples in India. Calling your full presence, full power and full awareness here and now. I offer a variety of meditations that are unique to the individual. In your consultation we get clear on what is necessary for you and that intention will bring us to the knowing while allowing the co creation to have a life of its own and trust in the unraveling and coming together that happens during these powerful transcendental meditative experiences.
Massage: This touch technique works with your body using intentional, purpose lead and ayurvedic techniques. Working one full half of the body at a time using long sweeping movements with full presence. Touch has many healing benefits, when I offer touch in a service I am fully present, grounded in to mother earth and connected to the I AM presence. You will hear me taking some deep breaths as I feel in to the space. Offering intentional and purpose lead sessions means that I am reading your energy. To explain; we are ultimately trillions of cells clumped together, in each cell is an atom and in each atom is energy. This energy is constantly vibrating out of you. This vibration carries a message in its pattern that can be heard and listened to intuitively. Through the guidance of your energy I will be assisted in what movements are needed for your body to open up, what pressure at what points in the body is best for you, and what energy to emit to balance and harmonize your elemental makeup, leading you to feeling at ease in your body is being requested. I have training in, relaxation massage, hot jade & Lave stone, Herbal Detox massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Pressure point, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Athletic massage + Have been developing massage protocol for over 8 years.
Sound & Vibrational Medicine: We are vibration. We are an energy ball trapped in a bacteria clump. Ultimately we are trillions of cells mushed together making up our material body. The energy that we carry is the emotions that we are feeling morning to evening. As humans we experience the vibrations around and within us as emotions, we are always feeling. The trees around us experience the vibrational wave but they don't feel the way we do. Sound and vibrational medicine is a powerful tool to clear the energetic pathways that are your internal landscape. I use this tool audibly and topically. As I use the audible sound tools you will feel and hear beautiful tunes and sounds flowing right through you as I walk around you or play instruments at a distance that fill the space with their healing harmonics. These vibrations AKA energy, passes through the energy in each of your cells. As the vibration passes through your patterning/energy the two currencies have a communication and over the time of the experience you will be a witness to the shifts and changes that go on within your being, noticing it as a descent into deeper and deeper states of calm, relation, clarity and space. Topically when you experience vibrational medicine, I will use a Tunning Fork to activate specific energy meridians or pressure points. This will clear the mind of thoughts, ground you deeper into the body, allow you to feel connected with the expression of self that feels most aligned to who you desire to be.
Pressure Points + Reflexology: There are pressure points or energy meridians all over your body. They are specific areas or points on the body where potent portals of energy can be channeled + directed. I will stimulate these points with my fingers in soft to firm circular movements. One of my favorite ways to stimulate these points is with tuning forks which I will share more about in the sound and vibrational medicine section. By activating these points we shift the energetic pathways, opening, unlocking and releasing these powerful currents to bring your body back into a state of homeostasis. Activating these points will put you into a trance where you will go in and out of different states of relaxation and wakefulness that feel soft and comforting and at times you will experience difference sensation letting you know your energy is rebalancing.
Movement: I am a 500 hour yoga teacher. I trained in southern India, Varkala Beach, Karala for my 200 hour and then Northern India in a Shala located in the Himalayas where the spiritual Gages River flow at its base in the town of Rishikesh. Here is where I learned how to harmonize the body, breath, mind through movement and alchemize your energetics in to a peace filled and whole state of being. Some of my favorite ways to offer movement in a session is to assist my client with props to allow the body to settle in restorative postures while I play angelic crystal sound bowls, and tuning forks. Assisted stretching allows you to full surrender and allow the body to open up.